The Crying Clown - 2
- THE CRYING CLOWN 2 - A black ink and black color pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size coquille board. It was originally scheduled to appear in a book titled, "The Crying Clown Celebration," by John F. Carr, but the book was published in 2013 as, "A Certain Flair for Death".
For several decades now, publishers who are driven to be politically correct have been censoring both the new books they are publishing and books by famous authors they are reprinting. Case in point; "The Martian Chronicles" by Ray Bradbury. I came across a 2001 Doubleday edition of the book and on the copyright page it states, "This edition of The Martian Chronicles has been updated and revised". So I looked to see what sort of revisions were made to my favorite book . . .
The first revision they made was changing the dates for each story; In my 1951 edition of the book the first story begins January, 1999 with "Rocket Summer," and the last story ends October, 2026 with "The Million Year Picnic". Doubleday has changed those dates to span from January, 2030 to October 2057. But that change doesn't bother me as much as the next one; the editors deleted the story, "Way in the Middle of the Air" from the book, no doubt because the word, "niggers" appears in the story. So now, the new editions of The Martian Chronicles contain 27 stories instead of 28 as in earlier editions.
Now, anyone who uses that awful word when refering to a black person, or to the entire black race, deserves a hard whack across the mouth, it is unjustly demeaning , hurtful, and insulting to black people and reveals the user of the word to be woefully ignorant and shamefully biased. But in this story, Bradbury does not use the word to insult black people, he uses it to expose the white racist characters in the story who do use it . . . Continued in No. 314 . . .
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